The biggest challenge of Harkelroad Family Insurance was keeping the sales staff motivated daily in the highly competitive insurance space in a very price sensitive market. In addition, for an insurance agent, building a book of business is of the utmost importance to ensure their long-term survival with the company. The lack of follow- up was costing the agency both revenue and talented agents and needed to be remedied.
Realizing that the lack of training was the culprit for the deficiencies, Justin enrolled his team into Cardone University.
At the management level, Justin implemented a daily sales meeting that incorporated role-playing of difficult situations as well as one-on-one meetings with the sales staff to address individual areas of opportunity.
In addition to a daily individual training requirement, the team was also required to apply the Cardone Follow-Up method using the interactive Follow-Up tool.
After 90 days of following this program, the production in the office increased by over 80%. They saw a 35% increase in profitability, a “substantial” drop in client acquisition costs due to higher closing ratios. Because of these improvements in the operation of the team, Justin’s office skyrocketed to the #1 rank in the state of Indiana for Allstate.
Justin attributed the increases solely to the Cardone University training and how it affected both the skill of the team and also the culture of the office.
“I have seen a dramatic improvement in how the team (including myself) is communicating with our clients. Cardone University has been the best investment I have made to date in my business”.