Personal Finance
Everyone makes mistakes with money. Avoid these financial blunders at every stage of life by learning some of the most common money mistakes.
What you will get:
- Pursue freedom by abandoning your comfort zone
- Create dependable income streams over long periods of time
- Recognize pretenders and how they waste their money
Personal Finances
- Income is King
- Income Increments
- Spend 95% of Your Time on Income, 5% on expenses
- The 40% Rule
- How to Use A Credit Card
- Pay Yourself First
- When to Use Debt
- Meet the Weekly on Your Money
- Stay Broke
- Money Shortage Mindset
- Looking at Prices
- Worry About Money
Money Mistakes
- Introduction
- Seeking Comfort, Not Freedom
- Diversification
- Depending on One Income Flow
- Comparing to Others
- Investing in Trends
- Trusting without Proof
- Saving to Save
- Pretender Spender