What Makes A Company Strong?

What Makes A Company Strong?

What makes a company strong? People look at strength in different ways. Some believe that there is strength in numbers. Others follow “the chain is only as strong as its weakest link” mindset. I say that strength comes from above and from within, meaning leaders must project strength to their employees or team members who must then use that strength to accomplish the company’s mission. 

I have been in business for over 35 years and I owe a lot of my success to the hard-working, disciplined, and goal oriented 10X’ers who make up Cardone Enterprises and define the culture I have created.

I built a sales and marketing powerhouse which is driven by that culture. Now I want you to have the same so that your business can also have a culture that creates opportunities, produces results, thereby increasing your revenue.

What Makes A Company Strong?


Getting your team in sync, supportive of one-another, and working strategically to hit your business goals is within reach!

There is a way to build structure in your company and it starts with you.

I created the Top Traits of Great Salespeople course which is designed to help your salespeople sharpen their skills, develop new abilities, and adopt positive habits that will not only increase sales but strengthen the communication within your organization.

When your team learns to function with a dominant mindset, your business will blow up to MASSIVE levels. These four things are essential to making that happen:

  • Belief – Solidifies goals, targets, and financial freedom for you and your team.
  • Positivity – A foundational mindset which establishes good energy and vibrations. 
  • Massive Thinking – Brings on new possibilities for growth.
  • Taking Action – Creating opportunities, taking risks, and making decisions that creates productivity and effectiveness. 

What differentiates successful businesses from others is how effectively, efficiently and cohesive their teams operate. 

Success comes from relentless refinement of the craft and The Top Traits of Great Salespeople lays out the road map for a professional at ANY stage of their career to escalate their game to a whole new level!

What Makes A Company Strong?

Get your team to work together so that your business is running like a well oiled SUPERCHARGED machine. 

CLICK HERE to get Top Traits of Great Salespeople Course now!

Be great.



How You Can Avoid Making Money Mistakes

Here’s How You Can Avoid Money Making Mistakes

Since I have over 35 years of experience in handling money, making money, and spending money, I want to show you how you can avoid money making mistakes.


Here’s the thing…

Everyone makes mistakes with money.

You can steer clear of these financial blunders at every stage of your life by learning what they are first, so you don’t make them yourself.

How You Can Avoid Making Money Mistakes

Here are some things that could be preventing you from growing your wealth…


  • You get too comfortable with what you have.
  • You fear diversification.
  • You only depend on one income flow.
  • You compare yourself to others.
  • You invest in trends and not the right things.
  • You trust without proof.
  • You save only to save and not invest. 
  • You are a pretend spender.

Any of these ring a bell?!?

Let me tell you something, the way you treat money is the way that money treats you.

How You Can Avoid Making Money Mistakes
What I mean by that is that you have to THINK BIG and take MASSIVE ACTION if you want to achieve wealth in all aspects of your life.

I created a course especially for you to learn how to get your head right so you can get your money right and have it all.

Check out the Cardone University Personal Finance Course where I will show you how to…

  • Create multiple dependable income streams over long periods of time.
  • Pursue freedom by abandoning your comfort zone.
  • Recognize pretenders and how they waste your money.
  • and SO much more….

If you are having doubts about your current financial situation, looking for investment solutions, or need more guidance into what you should be doing with your money to make more of it…

…spend some time with me and learn the step-by-step process into how you can create personal financial freedom for yourself and your family.

Take the Cardone University Personal Finance Course right now and start making BIG money decisions.

CLICK HERE to access the course.

Be great because nothing else pays,


5 Pillars to Building a Business

5 Pillars to Building a Business

What are the 5 pillars to building a business? When it comes to creating, building, and inc reading business there is a strategy that works! 

It’s important that you believe in your product. If you won’t buy it yourself, then you’re not sold yourself. If you can’t pass the simple test of being willing to buy your own product, you’ll never be able to sell others in large numbers.

5 Pillars to Building a Business

First and foremost you have to be passionate about what you sell and be sold on it yourself so that you can get the revenue that you want.

Second, you need to know the 5 pillars to building a business:

  1. Financial Intelligence.
    1. Determine how far you can go with big ideas.
    2. Understand that money follows attention and attention follows money.
  2. Marketing.
    1. You will not make the sale without the marketing.
    2. You must become a marketing genius.
  3. Sales & Closing.
    1. Sell a product and close a deal.
    2. Nothing will validate your ideas more than a sale.
  4. Execution.
    1. Push through with your idea.
    2. Reasons people can’t execute…
      1. Confusion.
      2. Selling for a status quo.
      3. Payoff is not big enough.
      4. Team is not on the same page.
      5. No accountability on the executive level.
  5. Scaling.
    1. Build the team out and scale the team.
    2. If you don’t scale you won’t survive.

5 Pillars to Building a Business

Your ideas will succeed or fail depending on your marketing and you need to keep taking action!


Find out how you can close deals and make massive profit in my new Cardone University course online.




Be great,



The 10 Reasons Closers Fail

The 10 Reasons Closers Fail

There are multiple reasons why deals don’t go through and it has a lot to do with communication, navigation, and the decision process. 

If the communication in the sales cycle does not go well then both parties can feel like they are not getting the deal done, which is exactly what will happen. 

It all comes down to knowing what you, your team, and the customer are doing in order to get the deal done. 

The best closers in the world truly understand their customer and know how to navigate objections, challenges, and problems with the right words. 

To understand the customer you have to know one simple thing that will make your closing experience easier…

The 10 Reasons Closers Fail

Understand that you are providing an answer to a customer who has a problem and looking for a solution. Believe that you are that solution and offer them what they need to make them feel like they are the hero

What I’m trying to say is that there is already a need for the product or service in their life…

…your job is to help finalize their decision to create a solution to their issue with your product or service. 

Here’s a statistic you might not know…


The customer is already 67% of the way through the buying process before they even get to your product or service. 

So what does that mean for you?

It means they have been shopping online and looking at other products, the different pieces of inventory, but this does not mean they are on the right product.

This is where you have to start offering options and be prepared with your arsenal of closing techniques.

There are always going to be new ways to improve your sales process so you can bring in more revenue, elevate your business, and increase your clientele…

The 10 Reasons Closers Fail

In The 10 Reasons Closers Fail course you will get why deals fail and learn the steps that you need to take so you can succeed in closing. 

Just to give you a basic outline, the top ten reasons why most people fail to close is due to…

  1. Not enough attempts. 
  2. Pressure is perceived as a bad thing.
  3. Unwillingness to deal with emotions.
  4. Lack of belief in the product or service.
  5. Incorrect estimation of effort.
  6. Being “Reasonable”.
  7. No financial plan in place.
  8. Handling objections that are only complaints. 
  9. Shortage of Closing Material.
  10. Incorrect Barriers.

If you want to know more and find out how you can avoid losing a sale then I encourage you to dive deep into this course. You can master your sales technique and Cardone University has all your tools and resources to make that happen. 



CLICK HERE to get access The 10 Reasons Closers Fail course.

Be great,

Grant Cardone

From Health Comes Wealth

From Health Comes Wealth

The American Dream is to have freedom. The freedom to do what you want, when you want and that requires wealth, health, and a positive support system.

The recipe to becoming a millionaire has parts…

2 parts – Mental

1 part – Mechanical 

From Health Comes Wealth

Most importantly you have to believe in the possibility that your goals can become a reality and that you are capable of achieving them.

A healthy mindset can get you anything you want…


In my How to Go from Zero to 7 Figures course you can learn how you can create health and wealth so you can be successful in all areas of your life.

When it comes to having freedom you have to work hard towards your mission, passion, goals, and most of all you have to work on YOU. 

You will not believe how many Americans are watching their life pass by when they could be living an extraordinary one…

…all because they are not willing to take actions…

…or they just don’t believe that they can achieve anything. 

Let me give you some stats so you can understand the economic facts of what we are dealing with here…

  • 47% of Americans don’t have $400 in their checking account
  • 62-76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
  • 50% of Americans take home less than $30k per year.
  • Incomes have fallen an average of $5,000 since 2007.
  • Home ownership is at its lowest in 20 years.
  • More businesses have closed than opened.
  • 33% of Americans with student loans are behind on their payments.
  • Average Americans work 4 months of each year just to pay taxes.
  • 65% of all children in the US receive government assistance.

It has never been more important than NOW to become a millionaire—which is actually the new middle class. 

A recent survey showed that 94% of people know they need more than $500k to retire comfortably. 

Are you in that percentile? If not, would you like to be?

From Health Comes Wealth

I promise you that you can be if you make the commitment to make it happen.

Start by getting my How to Go from Zero to 7 Figures course and take the step-by-step process to create wealth for yourself. 

CLICK HERE to get access.


Be great,

Grant Cardone

Time To Break The Chains

Time To Break The Chains

It’s time to break the chains. Are you feeling like your life has gotten repetitive? 

Do you find yourself trapped in the daily grind?

You are not the only one but you are the only one who can do something about it.

Time To Break The Chains

It’s time to take a step back, analyze your situation and determine how you can break the chains that are holding you in place. I can show you how to get started and all you have to do is to open your mind to new possibilities and realize that change begins with you. 

These four actions will help you break free from whatever is holding you back:

  • Regroup –  Get your priorities in check! Make a list and make it count.
  • Refresh – Update your daily routine with some new positive add-ons. 
  • Refocus – Put yourself in a winning mentality so you can regain your confidence.
  • Repeat – Carry out your action plan every day as written (no shortcuts). 

There’s no better time to execute these four actions than NOW!
Sometimes we get stuck and the only way we can move on is to make a life-changing decision.

I want to remind you that you are powerful. We are all born powerful. It’s how we choose to channel that power (or not) that differentiates us from the rest – from the  ordinary to the extraordinary. With my coaching you’ll be able to access your power, learn what you need to do to increase your income and map out your path to success. I’ll show you how to dominate your space by incorporating the following elements into your life:

  • Positivity – A mindset which establishes good energy and vibrations. 
  • Action – Risks, opportunities, and decisions create productivity. 
  • “YES” thinking – Brings on new possibilities for abundance.
  • Belief – Solidifies goals, dreams, and creates reality. 

Time To Break The Chains

The process of working on yourself never ends. You need to constantly grow to be the best version of yourself. 


CLICK HERE to get started.


-Grant Cardone


PS- Here’s a great way to get in gear! In my 5 Steps to your Best Year Ever course you’ll learn the top things NOT to worry about—and the things you MUST pay attention to if you want to get unstuck. I encourage you to watch my 5 Steps to your Best Year Ever course today and start living your best life.

Selling Versus Serving: Five Ways To Get Them Both Right

Selling Versus Serving: Five Ways To Get Them Both Right

Selling versus serving:Five ways to get them both right. When it comes to successfully closing sales does your team know the difference between selling and serving? Better yet, are they selling a product or service or are they properly serving your customers? It’s a trick question because if they knew how to close deals properly they would be doing both!
Selling Versus Serving: Five Ways To Get Them Both Right

If your team is not doing both you are losing out on potential profit and they are losing out on potential commissions.

There’s a simple solution and it all starts with implementing new strategies and effective tactics found in the How to Close Deals: Massive Profits course now available on Cardone University.

To give you a sample of how we can help your team here are are FIVE ways to distinguish serving vs selling:

  1. Offer Value – Be resourceful for your prospects by providing valuable information in the form of emails, blogs, social media, mail-outs or phone calls.
  2. Offer Time – Show your potential customers and clients that you respect them by listening to them – listening builds trust and helps establish a foundation for a viable and profitable relationship.
  3. Offer Solutions – Businesses will buy products or services which solve their problems. So be the solution to their problem but also tailor it to their needs – a personal touch is more about serving than selling.
  4. Offer Understanding – Do the background homework on your potential customers and clients. Do NOT assume you know everything about their business and what they need – ask questions so you can get to know them better. This will help you understand their pain points, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
  5. Offer Consistency – This is what differentiates a selling VS serving due to the fact that serving follows up and doesn’t forget a customer. You definitely want to stay in touch with your customers post sale and keep them updated on any new valuable information, products or services, special offers, deals, news, and company updates.


Make sure your team knows how to sell your goods or services and how to serve our customers. Encouraging them to take the How to Close Deals: Massive Profits course so they can successfully make the most of every lead and close every deal.


CLICK HERE to get access.

Selling Versus Serving: Five Ways To Get Them Both Right

Sell! Serve! Succeed!


-Grant Cardone

Importance Of A Powerful Customer Greeting

The Importance Of A Powerful Customer Greeting

Importance of a powerful customer greeting can make all the difference. Your first impression can make or break a deal. Having a powerful customer greeting will not only create the possibility of successfully closing a sale but can also solidify a new client relationship.

If you have a business or a position in sales, one of the first things you must master is the greeting if you truly want to be successful in the field. 

The key is to have confidence, act in a professional manner, and articulate clearly with all your clients. When you have their respect they will keep doing business with you.

Your goal with the greeting is to make a great impression- that’s it.

What you say and how you say it will set the tone for the rest of the deal so you need to nail the greeting! 

Those first seconds of meeting a customer or potential new client can NEVER be taken back or changed.

Here are some tips: 

  • Smile and speak clearly with confidence. Also wear a name badge if you have one. It will reinforce your presence and help to build a rapport. 
  • Make eye contact, be present, listen for their name, and use their name in the conversation – you want to make them feel important. 
  • Don’t be offended by brush-offs. There will be people that will think about you as another salesperson who they didn’t like in the past. 

Importance Of A Powerful Customer Greeting

After the initial welcome, you want to put the customer at ease so they drop their guard. You want to establish some common ground with them while differentiating yourself from others at the same time. 

Why is your offer, product, or service better and what can YOU do personally that’s superior than others in your industry?

If you can’t put them at ease you’re not going to build trust. That means you’re going to struggle to build that relationship. If you want to control the process, be authentic, lead with facts, and sell the idea of working with you, not necessarily the deal. 

The steps are easy… 

  • Welcome.
  • Make yourself known.
  • Put people at ease.
  • Differentiate yourself.
  • Grab control of the process. 

Control is essential to selling. You will either have control or you won’t have control and control equals close. 

Importance Of A Powerful Customer Greeting

The greeting is like oxygen to your lungs—it’s vital to get it right.”

There is one thing that I want to suggest…

When it comes to scheduling a meeting – GO TO THEM. Go to the buyer. Don’t have them come to you. The further you go the closer they come to you… get it?

Remember, they aren’t interested in you—you need to be interested in them. The person that travels the furthest is the person most interested. They traveled 30 feet, you needed to travel 30 miles. Show them by your actions that you are interested in them. Know that every prospect you get in front of is real. One day, somehow, somewhere, they will buy—so treat them all like buyers. Regardless of what they say to you, there is opportunity with every client. Every prospect you meet is a sales opportunity. 

To review, and to give you some additional advanced tips to use in order to be powerful in your first greeting, remember:

  • Prepare yourself for every possible encounter. 
  • Never take anything the customer says personally. 
  • Dress to the level that suggests you can actually buy the products that you sell.
  • See the deal before you ever wait on a customer. 
  • Go to them. Never have them come to you. 
  • Check your facts before the greeting. 
  • Put your problems aside and focus on the customer. 
  • Look to build trust and gain common ground. 
  • Know and act like you can make the sale. 
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Act professionally. 

When it comes to completing a sale from start to finish there is a proven process that continues to work for me and my team over and over again. 

Cardone University’s courses can show you how you can master greetings, overcome objections, and close sales effectively so that you and your team can make the most of every lead.


For more information CLICK HERE.


Time To Impress!


– Grant Cardone

Mastering Negotiating & Closing

Mastering Negotiating & Closing

Mastering Negotiating and closing. Do you want to become a master in the art of negotiating deals and closing sales?


Take my Cardone University Negotiations & Closing Master Class.


Imagine being able to complete any transaction, anytime and with anyone. That means using words with the power to control the conversation and determine the outcome in advance. 

It’s a powerful skill that separates those who have and those who don’t have…



Mastering Negotiating & Closing

This is a critical skill that will allow you to get what you want in life, in your career, and when you’re out there selling ANYTHING


If you can truly master this skills you will have abundance in your life. I promise you this.


Life is about negotiating and when you learn to become a master negotiator you’ll be able to get your way in the boardroom, at the negotiating table, and even at home. Everyone needs this skill and only a few really have it. 


You may feel like you have it good right now but nothing truly great happens until you have the ability to influence other people. Closing a deal is that final step in achieving complete control over your life.


With the Cardone University Negotiations & Closing Master Class you will gain the ability to become an exceptional individual that makes dreams come true. That’s right, not just your own, but others as well. 


The world is filled with grand ideas and big dreams but it’s short on people who can get others to provide funding,  support, and assistance in making MASSIVE DREAMS come true. 


The skill to negotiate and close is required by everyone as it determines whether you will get your way in life. Sounds like an overstatement?


You recognize the names of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos because they were able to close others on their ideas. They were able to get support from others in order to bring their ideas to life.

Look at how successful those individuals became. Now imagine yourself on that same level.


Mastering Negotiating & Closing

Let me remind you that the art of negotiating and closing is not confined to just salespeople. It’s a skill required by anyone who wants to present their ideas, dreams, products or services to the world.

Give yourself that essential skill now when you master negotiating and closing.


Get training now. 



-Grant Cardone

Mastering Sales Means Mastering Objections

Mastering Sales Means Mastering Objections

Did you know? Mastering sales means mastering objections. Are you hearing some version of “Not interested!” more often?


Do a prospect’s excuses shut you down completely?


Have you gotten to a point where asking anything from anyone has become discouraging?


Objections are a part of the sales process and if you don’t know how to overcome them then selling becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Mastering Sales Means Mastering Objections

People will always object when you try to sell them something. It’s just in our nature. That’s why I created the Mastering Objections Course in Cardone University, which helps you prepare before you get hit with that inevitable objection and come back stronger to close the sale.


First you have to start by making a commitment. The commitment to convert the disapproval or rejection into a SUCCESSFUL SALE!


Whether it’s a product, a service, or an idea – you can turn a “NO!” into a “YES!” or better yet prevent the customer from objecting in the first place. You might not know this but you have a break in your cycle (where the objection lies) so you need to identify what that is and reinvent your approach.


If you want to become a master at handling objections you’ll need to achieve a level of preparation where you’re able to pitch, offer a solution, handle any objection, and instantly regain control over the conversation in real time.
Mastering Sales Means Mastering Objections

Here’s what you’ll learn in the Cardone University Mastering Objections Course:

  • Prospecting
  • Building Rapport
  • Proposals
  • Creating Interest
  • Demonstrating/Presenting
  • Determining Wants/Needs
  • Why You Can’t Close Sales And How To Change That
  • Why You Can’t Grow Your Income And The Solution


Sound like areas you might need work on? This is just the beginning of how I can teach you to amplify your sales technique for you to see immediate results. 


Get the training tools you need to handle even the most difficult verbal sales obstacles so you can become a better closer and a top producer. I can show you how you can take complete control over your sales process and dramatically increase your closing ratio.

There’s no better way to approach a call than being ready for anything that comes your way. 

Get the training to master all objections here


Be great!


-Grant Cardone
